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Black Marker Media, LLC

Become An Affiliate

Make $100 for every successful referral you send to us!

Join the hundreds of NetMinistry referral partners around the world and begin generating income by sending other individuals and organizations to us. You receive $100 for every organization that enrolls in our program. All you have to do is place a special link to our website on your own. It's that easy!

When someone clicks on one of the special links and banners that we give you, they will be directed to a special part of our website that is focused on providing information about our platform and all of its features. Our representatives will contact them personally and answer all of their questions until they purchase. You will never have to sell or offer our services - just post a link on your website, or use our referral form to refer your friends, family, associates, customers, and other contacts.

© Black Marker Media LLC • (813) 370-0066